Gifts to Faith Formation contribute to...
Our vibrant Christian faith is a critical component of Hope College’s mission. Hope invites everyone into a holistic and robust engagement with the historic Christian faith and a personal encounter with the living Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Hope's welcoming atmosphere seeks to inspire students to grow in mind, body and spirit and engage in life-changing experiences through vibrant faith development. Together, we aspire to be faithful, welcoming and transformational.
With your support, Hope can be better equipped to form our students in their faith. Consider giving to the following programs:
- Awakening
- Campus Ministries Discretionary Fund
- Spring Break Immersion Trips
View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Alexander J. Cross

Robert A. Dame



Jack and Cassandra Swierenga

Cheri Younce

Joel and Marianne Bouwens

John and Jan Boockmeier

Jim and Nancy DeBoer

Herb and Kate Dershem