Area of Greatest Need

This campaign ended on January 01, 2025, but you can still make a gift to Hope College by clicking here!
Gifts to Area of Greatest Need contribute to...
616 Donors - $144,743 Donated

Gifts to scholarships or other areas of immediate need like the Hope Fund and Anchored Tuition are critically important for Hope College. Endowment spending is restricted and covers only a small portion of yearly operating expenses. By designating your gift to these areas of greatest need, you empower Hope to bridge the divide between what's covered by endowment spending and what's needed to fund our emerging needs.

With the added flexibility provided by your gift, Hope can quickly address students’ financial needs,  unforeseen challenges, and new opportunities to strengthen a Christ-centered education rooted in the liberal arts.

The Hope Fund provides more than 95% of our student body with scholarships. And it benefits students in other ways by bolstering financial aid, academics, athletics, the arts and co-curricular activities. 

Anchored Tuition holds every single student's tuition in place from the time they enter Hope to the time they leave, saving them an average of $8,000 over the course of their time at the institution. Your gift ensures that this initiative remains in place for every Hope student. 

Christmas 2024

Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon45%Alumni
Friends icon17%Odd/Even Year
Suitcase icon16%Faculty/Staff
Parent icon8%Parents
Friends icon5%Friends
Book icon1%Students
Most Recent Donors
Alan Jeffery Winne
Alan Jeffery Winne
Alan Cole
Alan Cole
Andre De Koker
Andre De Koker
Scott Reasinger
Scott Reasinger
Susan Williams
Susan Williams
Emily Young
Emily Young
Lindsey Spoolstra
Lindsey Spoolstra
Ann Maines
Ann Maines
Daniel E Kearney
Daniel E Kearney