FA Swim Team Scoreboard /Timing System

By Kristin Hersey

100% of $25,000 goal
This campaign ended on November 04, 2016, but you can still make a gift to Foxcroft Academy by clicking here!

Thank you - the scoreboard has been purchased and will be up and running for the first meet on December 9th!

No updates for this campaign.

Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon7%Alumni
Suitcase icon4%Faculty/Staff
Most Recent Donors
Rachel Fitzpatrick photo
Rachel Fitzpatrick
Diana Swett photo
Diana Swett
Laura Swett photo
Laura Swett
William E Thomas photo
William E Thomas
Kristin Hersey photo
Kristin Hersey


Community Advocates photo
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Cathy Hall photo
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Kristin Hersey photo
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