The Dublin Day of Giving is the one day a year when we ask our entire community to support our critical Annual Fund. Dublin's Annual Fund provides unrestricted operating support that allows our amazing faculty, staff, and campus to create life-changing educational experiences for our students year after year. When you support Dublin School, you change students' lives and the lives of their families and future communities. Academics, athletics, art classes, class trips, workgang, Humanities - the Annual Fund helps make it all happy. Your gift today will begin a ripple effect, a chain of events, different for every student, that will extend far beyond one year, far beyond our beautiful campus on the hill. Please help set a student's life in motion by making a gift on our Day of Giving - on May 4, 2023.

Mayfair Coffeehouse, 2022
Thank you, Dublin community; we are getting close to the end of the day. Thank you for your inspiring generosity to our School today. The curtain has closed on another Day of Giving. Tomorrow we will begin another school day, stronger and more capable of living our mission and creating the best educational experience possible for all our students. Thank you!
After school today we surprised our students with some "Fudge Ripple" and "Strawberry Ripple" ice cream. We are truly grateful and thankful for all the support from our community today.

654 days ago by Donna Stone
Head of School Brad Bates takes the plunge into the 40-degree water of Dublin Lake to celebrate our Day of Giving! Letโs warm Bradโs heart by making a gift to our Annual Fund.
Thank you to the almost 200 people who have made a gift today. Together you have given Dublin School over $60,000 that will go straight to our operating fund and support everything we do here on campus for our students and faculty.
If you have not made an Annual Fund gift this year, we hope you will consider doing so before midnight tonight and help us reach our goal of 250 donors.
654 days ago by Erika Lee Miles RogersA very special student-made video! We were so touched by their efforts on this video and all their dedication this season. Your gifts to the Annual Fund support our wonderful student-athletes, many of whom are trying a sport for the first time at Dublin School. #DublinGives
654 days ago by Erika Lee Miles RogersThe Annual Fund supports our athletes; uniforms, travel, umpires, coaches and more. Follow our teams on our website at

Congratulation Alumni for your gift today on this Day of Giving. As part of the Patch challenge we will be sending you a Dublin School patch in the mail. Thank you for support and being part of this great day!

We will mail a Vintage Dublin School Sun-Catcher to the next eleven $100 donors! Why eleven? Because that is all we have left! Who remembers when these were made?
654 days ago by Erika Lee Miles RogersBill King '52

A True Friend - Excerpt from Spring Dubliner 2023.
John Steffian '52

A Dedication to Faculty - Excerpt from Spring Dubliner 2023.
Bob Kirkland '82

Our Texan Heart - Excerpt Spring Dubliner 2023.
John Gray '88

Gave Us the Stars - Excerpt Spring Dubliner 2023.
A Ripple Effect is a continuous and enduring series of results stemming from a single action. Recognizing the importance of the action is sometimes recognized immediately and sometimes not until years later . . . The action can be a singular experience, a new relationship, a kind action, or a hard challenge. Dublin's Annual Fund is committed to providing the money needed to create the everyday experiences that cause the ripple effects that transforms the lives of our students.
Please share the pebbles that initiated your career path during your Dublin School education by emailing us at

Limited supply, make your gift now.
Like throwing a rock into a pond, one rock can cause a ripple effect that spreads out far beyond its origin point. What Dublin "rock" created a ripple effect in your life? Choose 1-2 words to write on your rock that symbolizes that person/experience.

Each person's rock will be added to a temporary art installation on the Dublin School campus that will symbolize the many ripple effects that Dublin School has had on our collective lives and remind us that these experiences could not have happened without people supporting our school year after year.
655 days ago by Donna Stone
. . . one positive thing often leads to more!
655 days ago by Donna Stone
Because of you, we're able to make a big impact! The Day of Giving is when the Dublin Community comes together to give to the Annual Fund. Help us reach our 250 donor goal. #DUBLINGIVES
655 days ago by Donna StoneDonors
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