The Fund a Farmer campaign seeks employment assistance for the farm manager during the peak growing season. Raising $5,000 will allow for extra “hands” to enhance and maximize the potential and growth of the Farm. The student intern will assist with the CSA ('Cats Supported Agriculture) and Campus Farmer’s Market at a time when production is at its peak. The Farm’s CSA has tripled over the past 3 years from 10 to 36 shares. In order to maintain and possibly increase the CSA’s growth, additional full-time assistance during the summer is a necessity.
The student Farm internship, rather than just a summer job at the Farm, provides students a consistent, enhanced experience with full engagement and educational opportunities that will stimulate the extracurricular component of their resume. They will work closely with the farm manager to learn and offer insights into the Farm’s CSA and market programs. As a single employee operated farm, the farm manager achieves a welcome sharing of the work load. This freeing, more balanced approach yields efficient, consistent and reliable execution of the Farm’s summer operations and provides students with valuable work experience.
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