Welcome to CCV’s version of the game show Let's Make a Deal! Today we have three awesome gifts that will help our students' dreams of a college degree come true.
Our mission is to support and challenge all students in meeting their educational goals through an abiding commitment to access, affordability, and student success.
Decide for yourself whether it will be door number 1, door number 2, or door number 3! Or all three!
Door #1: Team Access – Gifts to Life Gap Grants create access by helping students bridge challenging situations and emergent needs that threaten their ability to stay in school.
Door #2: Team Success – Gifts to the Endowment for Student Success are invested and generate an annual spending allocation for scholarships to students whose chances of success can be strengthened by aid and whose needs are not met by other sources.
Door #3: Team Affordability – Gifts to the General Scholarship Fund help make CCV affordable for all students with scholarships that offset the cost of tuition and fees.
In this game, there are no losers. Your gift to any of these funds contributes to CCV’s mission of access, affordability, and student success.
Thank you for playing and for helping students win the BIG prize - a college degree!
P. S. Look for opportunities to win CCV swag as the campaign unfolds!