
89% of $500,000 goal
This campaign ended on June 30, 2020, but you can still make a gift to Bishop McNamara High School by clicking here!

October 16, 2018 marked the commencement of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 125th anniversary as a religious order in the United States.  To mark this important anniversary, Bishop McNamara High School launched the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign, a special fundraising initiative to support the La Reine Historical Display area in the new La Reine Science & Innovation Center, anticipated to open in 2021.

Presided over by the Blessed Mother statue that stood in the original La Reine High School, this special display area will be located at one of the Center's two main entrances and will feature special items donated from La Reine alumnae such as uniforms, class rings, photographs, and more.   

The Bernardine Franciscan Sisters are ardent supporters of creating a living legacy in the La Reine Science & Innovation Center. Gifts from La Reine alumnae combined with generous support from the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters have enabled us to reach $100,000 of this goal to date.  With your support, we will hit the $500,000 goal to name this very special historical space in the new building.  

#LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign Important Update (11/14/18)

We have exciting news to report about the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign launched less than a month ago signifying the tremendous outpouring of support among La Reine alumnae for the La Reine Science and Innovation Center at Bishop McNamara High School.  

We am proud to announce that The Geaton and JoAnn DeCesaris Family Foundation recently gave a $100,000 lead gift to name the front gate entrance to the Legacy Courtyard of the La Reine Science and Innovation Center.  JoAnn DeCesaris LR '73 is excited that this charitable gift will help shape the prospective capacity of the School to form future generations of scientists, engineers, innovators, and thought leaders.  


In addition to this incredibly gracious gift from The Geaton and JoAnn DeCesaris Family Foundation, the School has received a number of other wonderful gifts from La Reine alumna during this past month.  Thank you to Ms. Patricia Cappello LR '76 who made a $25,000 gift.  I would also like to thank Dr. Triesta Fowler-Lee LR '91, current Board Member and proud BMHS parent, for her $10,000 gift.

Moreover, we would like to thank the many La Reine alumnae who have contributed online over the past month to the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign.  Through our partner Give Campus, which hosts the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign, it is their tools that enable the sharing of this Campaign on social media, which has significantly broadened the reach of our fundraising efforts.  As a result of this new platform, we would like to thank many new La Reine alumna who have donated to this Campaign that came about through having it shared with them on social media or from getting it by text or email from a fellow La Reine alumna.  

Give Campus has also provided us recently with the capacity to enter the names of all La Reine alumna who have given to the La Reine Science and Innovation Center to make them public.  You can now see all the many La Reine alumnae who have generously given to our fundraising efforts on the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign website.   


 As a reminder, monies raised through the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign will fund the La Reine Historical Display area in the new La Reine Science & Innovation Center.  Presided over by the Blessed Mother statue that stood in the original La Reine High School, this special display area rendered below will be located at one of the Center's two main entrances and will feature special items donated from La Reine alumnae such as uniforms, class rings, photographs, and more. 

Please consider a gift to this special initiative today by giving to #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign. We encourage you to share the Campaign on social media or by text oremail among your fellow La Reine alumnae. You can also offer matching and challenge gift opportunities to become an Advocate for the Campaign. Every gift we receive moves us closer to meeting, and hopefully exceeding, our 500,000 goal raised specifically among La Reine alumnae.

Thank you for your generous support of the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign.

2280 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
#LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign Update (10/18/2018)

The #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign has gotten off to a solid start as we have raised more than $1300 in less than 48 hours among La Reine alumnae and supporters from the classes of 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 75, 80, and 81.  We received a gracious gift in Honor of the Hoffman Girls: Colleen '64, Darlene '66, Kathy '69.  Thank you for your generous support!  

A principal Campaign goal is to see multiple contributions from every La Reine class (1960-1991) give to the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign.  

Did you know that BMHS only has approximately 900 email addresses among the more than 3700 women who graduated from La Reine High School over its 31 distinguished years.  Your ability to reach your fellow La Reine alumnae through your own social media networks powerfully augments our efforts to raise support for this Campaign.   

Therefore, become an Advocate for the Campaign by making a brief testimonial and posting it on the Campaign website.  

Please continue to share the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign on social media or text or email it to family and friends.  

Thank you for your generous support of the #LaReineLivingLegacy Giving Campaign.

I leave you with these powerful words of support for this Campaign from former Principal of La Reine High School, Sr. Mary Kateri Peake, OSF, "I applaud the efforts you are making to keep the spirit of La Reine enhanced and alive by identifying a center with the very name LA REINE.  What a tribute to our Lady, who was the guide of the many educators at that very special institution!  That Legacy continues in the very successful and impressive works of the many women who walked the halls of La Reine.  I pray that, through the work undertaken at BMHS, the Legacy may be continued."

2307 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
La Reine Historical Display

2310 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
The La Reine Science and Innovation Center Special Recognition Opportunities

2322 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
Renderings of the La Reine Science and Innovation Center

2322 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
Renderings of the La Reine Science and Innovation Center

2322 days ago by Robert Van der Waag
Class LeaderboardThe Class Leaderboard reflects giving from Alumni, Students, Parents
AffiliationDonors$ Raised
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon89%Alumni
Parent icon3%Parents
Suitcase icon3%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon2%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Carol A Porac photo
Carol A Porac
Janice Conlon Cuellar photo
Janice Conlon Cuellar
Robert Van der Waag photo
Robert Van der Waag
Margaret Albright photo
Margaret Albright
Marshelle Taylor photo
Marshelle Taylor
Robin photo
Missy Zimmerman Nulk photo
Missy Zimmerman Nulk
Andrea Busada photo
Andrea Busada
Michele & Chris Assenmacher photo
Michele & Chris Assenmacher
An Anonymous Donor
View All Donors


Robert Van der Waag

Generated 344 clicks and 12 gifts, totaling $5,750

Community Advocates

Generated 1165 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $125

Sister David Ann Niski

Generated 44 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $100

Marco Clark

Generated 448 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $100