Help-A-Latte on #GivingTuesday

By Adrianna Saccone

7% of 800 Donor goal
This campaign ended on December 02, 2015, but you can still make a gift to Benedictine University by clicking here!

We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, Dec. 1—four days after Black Friday—people from across the country will take a break from the holiday shopping rush to give back to their communities.

Benedictine University is pleased to be a part of this new holiday tradition where even a little can help-a-latte on #GivingTuesday. Together we'll show that donations of as little as $5 (the price of an average latte) can make a difference! ‪As part of its ongoing commitment to increasing scholarship funds, Benedictine's #GivingTuesday goal is to increase awareness by having 800 donors participate in a 24-hour fundraising campaign. All of this year's donations, no matter the size, will help-a-latte by directly benefiting student scholarships.

Please consider celebrating #GivingTuesday with a year-end, tax-deductible gift of scholarship.  #GTBenU 

Matches & Challenges

Donation Match

$1 per donor up to $10

Match Complete!

Offered by Adrianna Saccone


Donation Match

$10 per $1 donated up to $20

Match Complete!

Offered by America Bible


No updates for this campaign.

Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon56%Alumni
Book icon6%Students
Parent icon9%Parents
Suitcase icon36%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon9%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Jill Poskin photo
Jill Poskin
Margaret Young photo
Margaret Young
Heather Rybicki photo
Heather Rybicki
An Anonymous Donor
Deborah Smith photo
Deborah Smith
Jane lagger photo
Jane lagger
An Anonymous Donor
Elisabeth Wallner photo
Elisabeth Wallner
Egle Liutkus photo
Egle Liutkus


Community Advocates photo
generated 195 clicks and 7 gifts, totaling $65
Elizabeth Konopka photo
generated 10 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $50
Laura French Smetters photo
generated 11 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $25
America Bible photo
America Bible
Heart icon matched 1 gift for a total of $20
Adrianna Saccone photo
Heart icon matched 10 gifts for a total of $10
generated 32 clicks
Annette Dzielski photo
generated 87 clicks
Ray Konopka photo
generated 43 clicks
Kristen Marie photo
generated 9 clicks
Caroline Schiek photo
generated 8 clicks
Courtney Hatcher photo
generated 3 clicks