When you thank a teacher on #TeacherTuesday, you make a real impact. Our educators are not only experts in their fields but also completely immersed in our community as dorm parents, coaches, and mentors. And while our faculty never expect anything in return, now is the time to honor and remember those who propel Avon forward by encouraging our young men to be successful not only during their time here but also long after they have graduated.
On Giving Tuesday, make a gift in honor or memory of our exceptional faculty. Your contribution ensures we can maintain a tradition of hiring and retaining experienced teachers, mentors, and coaches.
Together we can fly the banner high and reach the goal of 150 donors on #TeacherTuesday.
You all have already helped our son find his confidence, his ability to believe in himself, as well His ability to overcome fears and challenges.
– Tabitha And Justin Manafort P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– John and Tamara Anderson P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for being such a great friend and mentor to Cooper and our family.
– Juliet Mazurczak P'18
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for being amazing teachers/coaches/mentors throughout my time at Avon!
– William Allen '19
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for all the support for our son!
– Mike and Maria Young P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for all you do.
– Cesar Caceres '22
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Michael Giamalis '16
– Porter Davis P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Greg Giamalis '10
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeDr. Doyle is an outstanding advisor and contributes significantly to our son's Avon experience. We are truly grateful for all that he does as an advisor and a leader in the history department. Congratulations also on your enlightening Symposium!
– Karla Valas P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Pedro Vega P'12, '17
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for having such a positive impact on me during my first few months at Avon.
– Connor Naspo '23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for being a great teacher.
– Conor Callaghan '21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for being such an involved teacher.
– Amy Gabrielian P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee Thank you for your patience and encouragement.
– Theresa Hartman P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for being a talented tutor, and very funny. My son appreciates you!
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for being a great teacher and role model.
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeHer wisdom, support and energy are boundless and always appreciated.
– Caye Helsley P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Linda Moses P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeForever grateful!
– J & Beth Steber P'21, '21
Thank you for helping Xavier find his inner artist.
– Carmen Vega P'12, '17
– Erich Cluxton '61
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeFor the watchful eyes and funny chats.
– Mike Finnegan '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for helping to mold our son into an amazing young man.
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for inspiring Reid Shafer to have a positive perspective about Language Arts.
– Carl and Kathy Shafer P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThis one is for you Jim!
– Ryan Matalon '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeWe are truly grateful for your work with Francesco. He loves to work with you!
– Lori Calabrese P'22
Thank you for making Matthew's PG year so impactful already!
– Julie Brand P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeFor looking after generations of boys!

– Robin Delnicki
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Will Jarvis '17
Thanks for all you do for Michael and all the Avon boys!
– Gary Rosenthal P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Brian and Elizabeth Shames P'23
Thank you for all that you do throughout the year!
– Aiden Gravina '21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThe best!

1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you to Mr. Brennan & all the amazing faculty members who have, & continue to, impact Ryan!
– Bonnie & Alan Wunsch P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeHe is transforming my son and opening his eyes to new experiences.
– Michael Schleer P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for being an amazing mentor and friend to Shane.
– Rosamond Koether P'20
Peter helped spur my interest in biology, which is the field I went on to get my PhD in! Our freshman biology class was one of my favorite classes at AOF!
– Justin Pool '04
With gratitude always! xx
– Molly Allen '19
TY for all the support you have given Burton. We so appreciate your Patience, Kindness and Encouragement you have extended to him. Avon has been a wonderful place for our grandsons, Patrick and Burton. May you continue to help these great young men who pass through Avon.
– Russel and Marie Duryea GP'14, '20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for the care you have shown to my son Gaelen, and the lessons you have taught.
– Susan Engwall P'19
KD, thank you helping me grow into the person I am today. I'll always cherish our memories together on the Farm.
– Connor Latz '12
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for igniting Bryce's interest in biology.
–Jennifer Filippazzo P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThe best French teacher ever!!
–Henry Allen '15
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeTwo men who not only taught me at Avon. but also inspired me to teach.
– Graham Callaghan '95

– Sabrina and Tom Rettaliata P'16, '21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeTo the place that helped you become young men.
– Heidi Leeds P'12
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks to all the great teachers!
– James Patterson P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Susan Berggren P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for being such a good teacher!
– Chase Lech '23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeWe are so thrilled that you are Francesco’s advisor!

– Lori Calabrese P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeFor not just teaching me to learn, but inspiring me daily.... even after all these years. Thank You Seth and Alice
– David Billings '66
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee
Great memory in my life when you told my father from his hospital bed to break the news that I got into Drew University.
– Craig Rubinstein '81

– Jen & Steve Coss P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeWorld Class! Please know that your leadership, creativity, and passion provides world class chorale opportunity and will open many doors for Avonians in the future. Opportunity, leadership, and hard work-thanks Will!
– Adam & Lori Backman P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeSpecial thank you for the tremendous impact they make each day through all of their discretionary efforts.
Jeffrey & Lori Flaks P'22
Thank you for all you do for our son, Blake. As we are 2500 miles away, it is nice to know that you are there for him.
– Chris and Bill Eklund P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for your dedication and inspiration!
– Karie Loomis P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you.
– Robert Dowling '91, P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for your gift of musical inspiration and your outstanding dedication!
– Karie Loomis P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeMy diving coach and mentor!

– John Wendler '68
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you.
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeWe appreciate all that you do.
– Kenneth & Kenya Soares P'22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeBecause you can't underestimate the impact of big hugs and morning Dunkin' runs.

– Seamus O'Brien '13
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Thomas Davey Jr. '84
Rob, your passion for teaching, learning, and patience with young men is something I've always admired about you. The way you conduct yourself is a great representation of what Avon Old Farms School embodies. I hope that one day I'll be half the man/husband/father you are. Thank you for the many lessons you've taught me and my brothers over the years.
Aspirando et Perseverando,
Mickoy Nichol '14

Thank you for being an exceptional role model and caring man in my son's life!

– Carney Heavey O'Brien P'13
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Gilman Callsen '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for your help, support and confidence in J J.
– Deirdre Allison P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee1903 days ago by Alexis Lee
Thank you for being such an outstanding mentor and advisor!
– Colleen Langevin P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for your work with Hunter!
Douglas & Kimberly Zeytoonjian P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeYou’re the best!
– Brian Kelaher '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for allowing me the opportunity to play for and attend the best school for boys.
– Ian Bomely '14
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeFor being a supportive role model and advisor during my son's Nicholas freshmen year.
– Mercedes Featherston P'20, '22
Thank you for all that you do and have done for Tommy!
– James and Jennifer Rogalski P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeFor being a great mentor and adviser to Ezekiel and Nicholas.
– Mercedes Featherston P'20, '22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeMrs Leis is the Patron Saint of Foreign Languages at Avon Old Farms!

– J. Matthew Kowalchick '99
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Lara Doyle P'12, '14
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for all you do for Adrian and the all the students at Avon.
– Sally Reed P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeYou're the best!
– Sally Bourgault P'80, GP'09
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Kevin Sisti '08
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeIt isn't much, but nothing ever would be to thank each of you for the lessons and character development each of you gave to me.
Aspirando et Perseverando!
– Ryan Phillips '14
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for teaching our grandson, Thomas Girard, to be such a fine worker with wood.
– Ed and Cathryn Girard GP'17
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for your teaching skills and humanity.
– Henry Coons '71, P'07

For continuing to inspire me to learn.
– Thomas Girard '17
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeWe are grateful for ALL that you do to enrich the lives of Avon men!
– Greer and Andy Monin P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeGrateful for everything you two have done for me.
– Harry Lyons '11
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee- Kelly Stewart P'21
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeMy favorite teacher.

– Nicholas Wells '70
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee– Thomas Reilly '90, P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for your support of William during his years at AOF. He is thriving at Elon!
– Robert & Susan Farnam P'18
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeA selfless individual...a wonderful teacher...an endearing friend!
– Marie Delnicki P'81, '83
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeI would like to honor Mr. Custer. He fostered a deep love of history that I carried into almost a decades worth of teaching.
– Luke Archambault '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for all your support of William. He is thriving at Elon!
– Robert & Susan Farnam P'18
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeMr. Custer is someone who can always put things in perspective. As a student, with so many challenges to navigate, this is vital to your success. Mr. Custer's steady insight is something that I valued as a student, and continue to benefit from today. Thank you for all that you do.
– Andrew Corrigan '98

You do great work everyday. Thank you
– Chris and Laura Frushone P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for taking Brad under your wing his first few years at Avon!
– Carol Seeber P'14
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeYou are the best teacher and I respect you so much.
– Jun Kwon '19
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you Ari for four years of nurturing Reece's love of the Spanish language. You have been a gift. xo
– Jim and Kimberly Levin P'20
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeYour impact and commitment will live forever in many young men and families. A heartfelt "Thank you" from the Fricke's
– Rusty & Patricia Fricke P'14, '20
1903 days ago by Alexis Lee
Kudo’s to Seth Mendell and Peter Evans for all of their terrific years of service to the school!
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks to everyone in both the admission and alumni and development offices for your dedication and hard work. The culture of the AOF community is rooted in the admission office, nourished during a student's years of attendance, and embraced and endures through the stories and relationships that are maintained in the alumni and development office. The Avon Old Farms community on display is an amazing thing to see...and be a part of.
– Chris Webb
Thank you to each of you for the positive impact you have had on my life. I am a better man for having learned from each of you and for that I am eternally grateful!
–RJ Fiondella '12
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you to Mr. Mehos and all the dedicated faculty!
– Mary Oneglia P'23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeRecognition for all that you do.
– Bob Dully
Sra. Leis - prometo que no tengo chicle!!!
–Albert McDonald '04
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for making biology fun and interactive, and for understanding what teenage boys enjoy in the classroom! From, Tripp
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThis donation is made in honor of the individuals who make up the Admission Team. To the hardest working and most gracious people to ever grace Avon’s campus. Keep up the great work!
– Ollie Rothmann '11
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you for supporting and mentoring our son.
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeMrs. P., Thank you for all you do!
– CJ Calcinari '19
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for the inspiration.
– Thomas Gresh '90, P'16, '23
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThey’re special in their own ways and clearly impact students in a positive manner.
– Lisa Fekete P'20, '21, '22
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeAspirando et Perseverando.
– Anonymous
1903 days ago by Alexis LeeThank you again for the positive impact you have had on my son’s life
Mr. Doyle– Thank you for having my back on and off the field. You’ve developed me into a better player and man than I ever could’ve imagined.
–Emmett Tolis '20
1904 days ago by Alexis LeeDoc Watt–Thank you for giving me the knowledge and the confidence to write freely using both my mind and heart. I learned to love writing because of you.
–Emmett Tolis '20
1904 days ago by Alexis LeeThanks for being great roles models for the students you teach and the boys you mentor. Connor and Dylan are lucky to have you and this great community.
– Alexis Lee
1904 days ago by Alexis LeeMr. McElheny - Thank you for your on going support of Preston while he works through his challenges. The time you make to provide that support and to recognize the small successes and improvements along this path make all the difference.
Mrs. Bartkiewicz - Thank you for helping Preston take his language skills to the next level. We love your innovative ways to incorporate language like meal times.
Mr. Mehos - Thank you for being that person that Preston feels safe to share his thoughts and concerns and for being that check in person for us as well.
– Dina Allison P'21

View All DonorsAffiliation | Donors | $ Raised | % |
2020 | 30 | $10,730 | 20.0 |
2021 | 28 | $4,345 | 18.7 |
2023 | 28 | $3,675 | 18.7 |
2022 | 19 | $3,275 | 12.7 |
2004 | 14 | $1,815 | 9.3 |
2014 | 11 | $305 | 7.3 |
2012 | 11 | $6,085 | 7.3 |
2011 | 9 | $1,100 | 6.0 |
2017 | 7 | $466 | 4.7 |
2018 | 5 | $820 | 3.3 |
2009 | 5 | $285 | 3.3 |
1990 | 4 | $325 | 2.7 |
1999 | 4 | $265 | 2.7 |
2007 | 4 | $290 | 2.7 |
1998 | 3 | $650 | 2.0 |
1981 | 3 | $250 | 2.0 |
2013 | 3 | $110 | 2.0 |
2015 | 3 | $1,150 | 2.0 |
2016 | 3 | $225 | 2.0 |
1971 | 2 | $200 | 1.3 |
2008 | 2 | $600 | 1.3 |
1973 | 2 | $200 | 1.3 |
1988 | 2 | $125 | 1.3 |
1984 | 2 | $275 | 1.3 |
1985 | 2 | $75 | 1.3 |
1991 | 2 | $75 | 1.3 |
1989 | 2 | $200 | 1.3 |
1986 | 2 | $525 | 1.3 |
1978 | 1 | $25 | 0.7 |
1964 | 1 | $150 | 0.7 |
1993 | 1 | $50 | 0.7 |
1961 | 1 | $75 | 0.7 |
1979 | 1 | $100 | 0.7 |
2005 | 1 | $100 | 0.7 |
1983 | 1 | $50 | 0.7 |
2010 | 1 | $100 | 0.7 |
1987 | 1 | $25 | 0.7 |
2002 | 1 | $50 | 0.7 |
1970 | 1 | $25 | 0.7 |
2003 | 1 | $100 | 0.7 |
1972 | 1 | $100 | 0.7 |
1968 | 1 | $250 | 0.7 |
1966 | 1 | $500 | 0.7 |
1976 | 1 | $250 | 0.7 |
1995 | 1 | $50 | 0.7 |
1994 | 1 | $50 | 0.7 |
Designation | Donors | $ Raised |
Alumni Fund | 87 | $8,710 |
Parents Fund | 77 | $12,770 |
Friends Fund | 11 | $635 |