
Adam Pisani - 1998
Aimee H. Barber - 2005
Alan M Broussard - 1985
Alex A. Hebert - 2024
Aline W. Forestier - 2010
Anonymous - 1993
Anonymous - 2006
Anonymous - 2005
Amanda M. Shackelford - 2005
Andrew B Sibille
Andrew Duhon
Andrew M. Albritton - 2017
Anonymous - 1997
Angela M Hawkins - 1985
Angelle B. Pearce, M.S. - 2009
Anissa Lynette Madison Lyons - 1991
Anonymous - 1970
Anne S. Ewing - 1998
Anne Z Ledet - 1981
Annie Perret - 2016
April F. Ricks - 1998
Arthur maloney
Ashley C Blanc and Kenneth J Blanc - 1998
Ashley Hebert - 2003
Becky B Trouille - 1975
Benjamin J. Berthelot - 1998
Ben & Shelley Broussard - 1974
Biggerstaff - 2000
Bill and Camille Claibourne
Blair Landwehr - 2000
Blake Banner - 2013
Blake J Cormier - 2007
Blaze, J, Duhon - 2021
Bobby Bodin - 1994
Boudreaux - 2003
Bradley Cruice - 1989
Bradley Pecot - 2004
Brandon Bertrand - 2006
Brianna, L, Burns - 2021
Brian West
Bridget J Meaux
Bryan and Toni Celestine - 1997
Byron C. Vermillion - 1971
Carla F Lambousy - 1995
Carly and Wayne Domingue - 1978
Anonymous - 1973
Carol McManus - 1986
Carrie Lajaunie Wingrin - 1997
Casey M. Dugas - 2016
Cassie L Arceneaux - 1993
Catherine Stemmans Patetson - 1994
Cecile L Broussard - 1976
Chad and Sherry Roper - 1992
Charles M richard - 1977
Charles White III - 2000
Charlotte A Sanchez - 1992
Cheryl DeRouen
Chiara M. Theard - 2014
Anonymous - 1986
Chris and Emma Faber
Chris Arnold - 2006
Christi H. Carter - 2005
Christy and Sonny Deshotel - 1990
Cindy Broussard - 1980
Cindy U Comeaux - 1990
Anonymous - 2007
Claire Miller Reed - 1980
Clair Hebert Marceaux - 1999
Claudia & Ted Lyles - 1979
Anonymous - 2012
Cody McCrary and Megan Cobb McCrary - 2008
Anonymous - 2001
Colby A Martin - 2012
Colby guidry - 2000
Colby & Katherine Domingue - 1994
Collins Thibodeaux MD
Connie Credeur Anderson
Cordell Grand - 1984
Courtney Harmon - 2006
Anonymous - 1992
Craig & Tricia Campbell - 1995
Cullen F. Gravouia - 2020
Cynthia Coleman-Hawkins - 1989
Cyril Speyrer - 1976
Dana Ledet-Hurd - 2000
Dan Hare - 1983
Daniel Bourgeois
Daniel & Wendy Schmit - 2006
Darrell Bruchhaus - 1982
David and Hillary Faber - 2007
Dawn B Richard - 1991
Deandra M. Johnson-Narcisse, M. Ed.
Deborah A Landry - 1990
Anonymous - 1982
Denise Faust - 1993
denise miller
Dennis LaFleur - 1972
Deon Bernard Fontenot - 1998
Diana Cash Lennon - 1993
Domingue, Szabo & Associates, Inc. - 1987
Donald Doffoney - 1976
Donald F Landry - 1994
don holbert - 1993
Donna Forestier - 1983
Donnell - 1998
Donovan J Carlin - 2014
Douglas A Begley - 2008
Douglas and Mary Margaret Saloom - 1982
Dustin Ponthieux - 2017
Dwight Habetz - 2002
Edie Hunt - 1998
Edward & Mary Broussard - 1972
Elias E Jarrous - 1984
Elizabeth Bradford Lopez - 1993
Elizabeth Landry - 1991
Elmo P Boudreaux - 1988
Emily Girlinghouse - 2016
Emily W Faber - 2011
Emma Taylor - 2024
E Paul - 1973
Eric Gillespie - 2013
Eric Guidry - 1985
Erin Robicheaux - 2014
Evelyn E Syrie
Fawn Hernandez - 2003
Felicia Landry - 1992
Flossie W Turner - 1973
Forrest Ladd
Francis Patrick Clark - 1980
Francis X deBlanc Jr
Frederick Broussard - 1974
Gary & CJ Caldwell - 1972
Gary William and Ann Hargis Gerstner - 1985
Gene B. Hunt
George S Cox - 1998
Gerald & Gail Abshire - 1977
Gerard and Lisa Thibodeaux - 1975
Ginger Laurent - 1983
Glenn & Cherie Dehart - 1977
Glenn & Susan Abraham - 1993
Grant Oubre - 2021
Greer/Kent Gerdsen
Greg Damico - 1995
Gretchen Boudreaux - 1983
Harold and Cynthia LaBiche - 1999
Anonymous - 1999
Anonymous - 2012
Holli Guidry Politz - 1991
Howard E. Dupuis - 1986
Ibrahim N. Al-Alawi - 1988
Ira G Thomas - 1988
Ira J Garcille - 1971
Ivy And Elizabeth Landry - 1980
Jacques B Landry & Angela G Landry - 2009
Jameka McKinley - 2000
James Alex Fontenot - 1981
James B Deshotels - 1970
James Garber
James Havenar
James "Jim" Blazek, Jr. - 1988
James Lipstate - 1976
Jamie Soileau - 2004
Janet and Ronnie Lajaunie
Janeth M Harrington - 1979
Jan White - 1974
Jase Mayorga - 2021
Jasmine R. Smith - 2012
Jebby F Soignier - 2012
Jeff Kelley - 2020
Jennifer Richard - 2003
Jerome Bourque - 1975
Jessica & Benjamin Theall - 2003
Jessica Leger - 2003
Anonymous - 2004
Jessica Verret - 2012
Jillian Bradley Blanchard - 2021
Jillian Claire Dickerson - 2010
Anonymous - 1983
Jody Strother West - 1998
John and Clare Badeaux - 1986
John and Dru Hebert - 1980
John Boudreaux - 1991
John D Santamaria - 1971
John Leonard and Julie Thomas
John Melancon - 1980
John Pere - 1979
Jonathan Perrin - 2022
Joseph E Parnes
Josephine W Considine - 1978
Anonymous - 2000
Josh,m, Sylvester - 2022
Joshua a sibille - 2005
Julie and Chad Broussard - 1996
Julie R. Guilbeau Jernigan - 1986
Julie & Willie Leday
June & Jason Picard - 1990
Justin P. Lemaire - 2002
Kaliste J Saloom III - 1981
Karen Dailey - 1978
Karen Faber - 1981
Karen M. Moore - 1983
Karl D Meche - 1995
Karl J Mestayer - 1973
Karl Menard - 1979
Kate Durio Bull
Katelyn R LeBlanc - 2017
Kathleen P Guedry - 1991
Kathleen S. Miller - 1977
Kathryn S Lowry - 1981
Kaye Choate - 2011
Kayla Hebert - 2016
Anonymous - 1973
Keith R Dorman - 2002
Keith Sibille - 1981
Kenneth & Laurie J. James - 1983
Anonymous - 1980
Kevin and Carole Daigle - 1997
Kevin G Hebert - 1988
Kevin LeBlanc - 1983
Kevin M Young - 1982
Kevin P. Chapman - 2000
Kidd Theriot - 2007
Kim & D J Bergeron
Kirk D. Trahan. - 1991
Kirsten Allen and Patrick Thomas - 2017
Kristi Licas - 2011
Kyle B Sarver - 2010
Kyron Harrison - 2018
Lance & Susan Peltier
Larry Lovas - 1975
Anonymous - 1982
Lauren Sarver - 2006
Lawrence W. Blanchette - 1986
Lena Daigle - 1976
Leslie LeBlanc
Linda H. Foreman Willard W. Foreman - 1974
Lisa Bienvenu - 1991
Anonymous - 1999
Lori D. Crain - 2000
Lori McGrew - 2022
Louise Broussard - 1974
Louis Lowry - 1984
Lucius Broussard - 1981
Lucy S Harrington - 1978
Luke, C, Bollich - 2018
Lyndon Leonards - 2001
Lynn L’Hote - 2012
Lynn M Stentz, Jr - 1974
Manuel O. Lopez - 1984
Maria Latiolais Bordelon - 2002
Marilyn Yosha Vidrine - 1991
Mark D Mouton - 1996
Mark S. and June Cunningham - 1993
Martha Lynn Peddy-Epstein - 1989
Martha W Antoun - 1983
Matthew & Rebecca Doucet - 2002
Melanie and Damon Wiley - 1983
Melanie L Roy - 1989
Melissa A Lewis and Tarron Lewis - 2000
Melissa Marcotte
Melody Jackson - 1988
Michael and Jaci Russo - 1997
Michael Broussard
Michael J LeJeune - 2010
Anonymous - 1982
Michael Viguerie - 1981
Michael W. Gahagan - 1998
Michele Ezell - 1993
Anonymous - 1990
Mike Hebert - 1978
Milton A Hebert - 1985
Miriam Hollier - 1986
Monique Burdin - 1972
Nancy F Duhon - 1975
Nicole Taylor - 2016
Noah G Oliver - 2005
Noel Norwood - 1977
Nona Leger Istre - 1986
Pat Bordes
Anonymous - 1979
Pat & Vickie Patout - 1982
Paula Peterson - 1983
Paul Schneider - 1992
Paul Simon - 1991
Payton Chaisson
Peggy M. Broussard-Huval - 1982
Phoebe Arcement Henderson - 1976
Phyllis & Allen Angers - 1981
Racheal Auzenne - 1995
Rachel Comeaux - 1982
Ralph Thibodeaux
Randall and Theresa Gaspard - 1976
Randall & Stephanie Mann - 1985
Raul J Viera - 1983
Rayburn Judice - 1979
Raynata Lockett - 2018
Rebecca Armstrong Livaudais
Reginald Roberson - 2000
Renee Besliin - 1981
Anonymous - 2024
Anonymous - 1995
Richard & Paulette Yandle
Robert E. Torian, A Professional Law Corporation, NeunerPate Attorneys at Law - 1984
Robert J Musso - 1988
Robert M. Bouterie & Elizabeth Bouterie - 1978
Robert P Arvie - 1992
Robert P Simon
Robert S McCormick - 1996
Robert & Stephanie Arvie - 1992
robin - 2013
Robin Hayes - 2014
Anonymous - 1982
Rodney J. Gannuch
Ronald and Vicky Thibodeaux
Ron D. Ricks - 1997
Anonymous - 2000
Rosalind M Robertson
Rose Hoffman Cormier - 1974
Ross P Eason - 2012
Ruben D. Henderson - 2018
Rufus F Sparrow Jr
Russell Trahan - 1996
Anonymous - 1979
Russ M Hogan - 2002
Ruth H. Alleman - 1984
Ryan Ervin - 2003
Ryan Neustrom - 2009
Sage Aucoin - 2022
Sally C Johnson - 2008
Samuel Dantin - 2022
Samuel & Lynda Lorio - 1971
Sandra Allen - 1981
Sans Broussard - 1975
Sarah G. Dixon - 2022
Scarlet C Pettit & Mike Pettit
Shad M Duplessis & Damien Gibbs - 1999
Shane Louviere - 1991
Shanna C Burrell - 2021
Shannell G Veronie - 2014
Shannon Guidroz Huval - 2000
Sharon M. Moon - 1980
Sheila Holmes - 2017
Shullaw Wayne A
Simone R Degeytaire - 1991
Sonja Reed - 1986
Anonymous - 1991
Stacey H Dore - 1993
Stacy and Tim Doucet - 2001
Stephanie Arvie - 1991
Stephanie P Arceneaux - 2007
Stephanie T. Lynch - 1985
Steven E Carnahan - 2000
Suellyn B. Crouch - 1982
Anonymous - 1975
Taquila J. Babin - 2020
Terence A Martin - 1984
Terry J Dugas III - 2013
Theresa Domingue - 2004
Theresa Eller
Thomas Spedale - 1986
Timothy Harrington - 2006
Timothy & Martha Viator - 1981
Toby Dufrene - 1996
Todd and Tina Viator - 1990
Todd Paul Guedry - 1993
Tonya Bolden-Ball - 2003
Traci Vasseur Brochard - 2006
Travis Brinsko
Tricia Johnson - 1986
Troy Broussard
Tyler C. Savoy - 2007
Anonymous - 2014
Vernon Mark Sibille - 1975
Veronica L. Arceneaux
Vicki Cormier
Anonymous - 1974
Victoria Albert - 1982
Vines Harris - 1987
Virgil Pat Ardoin
Wayne/Marlene Theriot - 1972
Wayne P Wild - 1979
Wesley, M, Johnson - 2012
William and Nada Thompson
William H. Broussard
Anonymous - 2006
Anonymous - 1982
William Stout - 1989
Y Ho - 2024
Yvonne Rachou Kirila - 1984
Zeb Stearns