Why a new Giving Day?

The NMU Foundation decided to organize a special day of giving in line with the university's Charter Day in April 1899. To avoid competing with other social fundraising initiatives from local, regional and national non-profits, the day has been moved from Giving Tuesday, which occurs after Thanksgiving, to spring. April provides an ideal opportunity for the university to showcase a unique giving event that is based on its history and traditions. We hope that this timing will work better for you to engage with us and with other alumni and friends, leading up to and on the day of the event.

Who is providing the matching funds?

To commemorate Northern Michigan University’s 125th Anniversary, the NMU Foundation will announce a donor match and department challenge opportunity of up to $125,000. The funds are available from the Foundation's lead efforts in the Marquette General Hospital blight elimination project. A positive outcome has been the generation of investment income on the Foundation's short-term holdings associated with the project. These discretionary funds will now in part be used to further the mission of NMU.

What are the plans now for Giving Tuesday in November?

Similar to what was done for Giving Tuesday in 2023, the event will highlight ways donors can support key initiatives that keep students in school and focused on completing their degrees. On Giving Tuesday, donors will be asked to support areas like student scholarships and emergency aid funds.

Are there other ways I can give?

If you do not wish to make a gift online and prefer to make a pledge or other type of gift, please contact the NMU Foundation at (906) 227-2627 or foundtn@nmu.edu.