Skip the bathroom stalls and tabletops, we’re inviting you to have your name permanently displayed on the study room walls of our newest building. Each name represents an individual’s commitment to Northwest while as a group, the names will display the magnitude of true Trapper pride. Leave a legacy by making sure your name is included!

To recognize multiple individuals, a minimum contribution of $100 per name is required. 

For example, John & Susie Smith donate $500. They will be recognized as “John Smith ‘98”and “Susie Smith” each at the $250 size.

$1,000 – 2” tall name

$500 – 1.5” tall name

$250 – 1” tall name

$100 – ¾” tall name

All donors will be recognized at the level corresponding to cumulative giving to the Student Center project. Donors of $5,000+ will be recognized on another display. Contact us to learn more!