Check out our exciting incentives throughout the day
Parent Challenge Winner - Classes 2023-2026
The class with the highest level of giving at midnight receives a Chick-fil-A Breakfast with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin in the courtyard!
All School Celebration - Will it be Donuts or Cookies?!
When we raise $50,000 on Giving Day this unlocks the incentive of our Students receiving either cookies or Donuts and they will vote by QR code at Lunch!
It's 5:00PM Somewhere
For every $5,000 gift received between 6am -midnight your name will go into a drawing to receive a complimentary 2 hour party complete with wine & hors d'oeuvres for 10 people at Peace Water Winery in downtown Carmel.
All School Announcements will be sung to "Party in the USA!"
If we get to 200 Donors there will be a Senior who will sing the announcements to the song "Party in the USA"!!!
Order your Alumni Brick TODAY
The most priceless gift you can give your loved one is a personalized Alumni Brick with the name of your graduate as well as the year they graduated! It's so exciting to think about the future building which will include an Alumni Wall in Alumni Hall! Click here to design and purchase your personalized brick: ALUMNI BRICK CAMPAIGN