Collaboration & Innovation Your gift helps the Humanities Studio
bolster humanities scholarship and foster creativity as an integral part of a
liberal arts education at Pomona College. Your support also enables the
director to take advantage of unanticipated programming opportunities and
interdisciplinary collaborations as they arise.
Your gift enables the Humanities Studio to bring authors, thinkers, and
creators from across the arts and humanities, as well as the social and natural
sciences, to the College for lively public conversations with the Pomona
community (including Pomona alumni and families — we often have permission from
our guests to livestream and record their presentations for our out of town
friends). Thanks to donor support, visiting speakers are also able to
participate in smaller, focused workshops, master classes, and discussions with
Pomona students.
Humanities ToolkitYour gift provides professional-development opportunities and supports events
that help Pomona students and faculty move their humanities learning into the
public realm. Recent and upcoming workshops and discussions include writing for
trade publishers, creating a podcast, applying to graduate school, and career
opportunities in the humanities.
ResearchYour gift supports Pomona students’ summer research on projects they will
continue senior year as Humanities Studio Undergraduate Fellows, and provides
Humanities Studio Faculty Fellows with resources to write, research, advance
scholarship, and publish in their respective fields. Your support also makes
possible summer programming such as the Medical Humanities Summer Program.