Question not answered below? Give us a call at 315-445-4545 or email  

When I give on Giving Day, where does it go?

Put simply - directly towards students! You may chose to direct your gift to a program or affiliation of your choice, but we encourage you to support student scholarships and other urgent needs through the Le Moyne College Fund. This fund is a consistent source of funding for the following key priorities that enable students to enjoy a rich, diverse educational experience: 

Student Aid: Ninety-five percent of Le Moyne students receive some form of financial aid. Gifts to the Le Moyne College Fund assist the College in keeping Le Moyne affordable. 

Instruction and Academic Support: Le Moyne has a student-faculty ratio of 13:1 and an average class size of 21. Over 170 full-time faculty and supporting visiting and adjunct professors integrate community-based experiences with academic instruction, nurturing the Jesuit tradition of educating the "whole person." 

Student Services: Tutoring, student-run programs, campus security, updated dormitories, administrative and health services and career guidance are among the enriching services provided to students of Le Moyne.

What difference does the alumni donor count make?

Alumni can make a real difference by participating on Giving Day - no matter the amount of the gift. Your support not only shows our students that their Le Moyne family is ready to support them, but the combination of your gifts makes an incredible impact! Not to mention, alumni giving rates maintains the College's top ranking and reputation, raising the value of a Le Moyne degree and helping attract the most talented applicants.

I've heard talk of President's Club, but what is it?

Le Moyne graduates know their alma mater is a place that is special, distinct and full of heart. It makes an impact. So do members of the President’s Club, who provide the College with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. Learn more about the impact of President's Club gifts and member benefits here

Are there alternative ways for me to give back?

Yes - there are several different ways to support Le Moyne that isn't a one-time gift! Many alumni and supporters are turning to stock or IRA gifts to support students, while also netting great tax benefits. Charitable stock giving is easy with this free online tool. Other options include faculty and staff payroll deduction, recurring annual or monthly giving, or volunteering your time through one of our many volunteer committees!